Tuesday, November 11, 2008



Friday, February 29, 2008

Automatic 3

Another automatic I did last week. (It's not finished and never will be.) Been trying to stop doing stuff like this because I should be concentrating on my artbook. I'm not afraid of not finishing at this point, it just makes me feel a little bit guilty. I wish I had the money to print in color right now, then I could actually put work like this in it.

The Kon is coming up really fast, next month is crunch time as well as mid-terms.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


erm... I got photoshop and here's my first drawing with it. I know it's so fail, the style is so simple and my Japanese is so rusty I have to steal anime cliches. OTL

I do like the pen tool in photoshop though...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bolyai, sadly, was pwned

Mmmm... pchatting with my friend Shey. I didn't really like the board, OC is so much better.
Math is not fun.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I need to practice.

I love how you can upload your images right on blogspot. I wonder how long they'll last?

I've been neglecting this place, and posting crap doesn't do any better. I need to practice using shipainter, the effects are nice. I still need to practice PaintBBS too, cuz I need to.

Monday, August 13, 2007

First Post

Well I got a blog spot, it's pretty nice actually, they'll allow you to upload images right here. Anyway, I'll be posting sketches and stuff here, maybe. I just thought this site looked cool. =3

I did this this morning, just an experiment to test out the different brushes in opencanvas. And to practice speed painting.